1.) What is the video about?
     This video is about  some of the challenges social worker has to and must face on a daily basis.  They deal with all types of situations and issues.  They help locate safe permanent housing  for elderly coming out of nursing home or help keep them in their own  independent living homes which includes often home visits by the workers.  Social Workers also have to deal with older adults that has mental issues that needs care 24/7 but refuse any services from outsiders.  This is when the workers hands are tied because under the "Mental Capacity Acts" as long as the person is able to talk for themselves and refuse services, the worker cannot over rule them.
     Social Workers have to check-up on their senior older adults often on their  treatment they are receiving from their caregiver and how well they are getting alone at the location they are living.  Workers help get senior older adult into a place called "Extra Care" which is a place when they can no longer live in their home and this keeps them out of a nursing home.
2.) What are the key messages for practice?
       This video dealt with case planning assessment as well as care planning assessment and what is best for the senior older adults outcome also their caregivers plays a very importance part and role in their treatment.  It shows how professional social workers is always promoting social change in older adults as it relates to and enhance their well-being.  Social Workers do all they can to help keep senior older adult independence by working with them and their family members.  Also the key messages is truly team work, everyone must work together and become as one.  Social Workers must be diverse in their roles which includes but limited to becoming a case manager and being a advocate for the older adults. 

                                                                       PART # 2
 I see myself applying everything I have learned into my Social Work Professional Practice Skills.  I now have gained knowledge in what is expected of me as a Social Worker Professional when I go out into the field as I work with the Gerontology population.  I don't know everything but I am willing and will learn much, much more about what I am going to face  and what I should and should not do in my field of expertise as a social worker. 

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